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Yoga Asana to relieve from Cervical Pain

General Causes of Cervical Pain can be poor posture, working at a desk for too long without changing position, sleeping with your neck in a bad position, and jerking the neck during exercise.

Here I discuss seven sequential yoga asanas to relieve from cervical pain. These yoga postures not just help to relieve from neck pain but also from back pain resulting to relaxation to whole body.

Yoga Asana to relieve from Cervical Pain are as follows :

  1. Balasana (Child Pose)

  2. Natrajasana (Reclining twist)

  3. Bitiliasana (Cow Pose)

  4. Marjariasana (Cat Pose)

  5. Viparita Karani (legs up the wall Pose)

  6. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended triangle Pose)

  7. Savasana (Corpse Pose)


1. Balasana (Child Pose)

- Kneel on the floor placing your shin on the floor. Toes should touch each other.

- Sit on your heels. Place your hands by your side.

- Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs.

- bending from the waist and laying your torso between your thighs.

- Now, slowly allow your head to touch the ground.

- Your hands should be resting by the sides of your torso with palms facing upward.

- Stay in this pose for as far as possible; don’t strain yourself.

- Once done, slowly lift yourself back to the same position while inhaling.

- Place your hands on your thighs with palms facing the ceiling as in a state of surrender to God.


2. Natrajasana (Dancer's Pose)

- Lie on the floor with your back straight.

- Slowly lift your right leg and bring it over your left leg.

- While the left leg remains straight, make sure that the right leg makes a right angle on the floor.

- Stretch your hands either ways and face rightwards.

- Take few deep breaths, while being in this pose for thirty seconds.

- Repeat the same with your left leg.


3.Bitiliasana (Cow Pose)

- Place your shin on the floor and posture rest of the body (thighs, torso and hands) in a table-top position.

- Make sure your knees are directly below the hips and wrists, elbows and shoulders are in a line, perpendicular to the floor; also thighs.

- Torso must be parallel to the floor.

- Inhale and pull your tummy inwards towards the floor and lift your head upwards.

- Remain in this posture for a while.Note: This position should be followed by cat pose.


4. Marjariasana (Cat Pose)

- After remaining in cow pose for a while, exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling and bring your head inwards.

- Gently bring your chin towards your chest.

Note: Continue cow and cat poses in sequence while you inhale and exhale (As per given in above image).


5. Viparita Karani (legs up the wall Pose)

- Lay on your back with your legs straight against the wall

- Feet must face the ceiling and your legs should be touching the wall.

- Rest with your arms out to the sides and palms facing upward.

- Take deep long breaths and breathe out at least fifteen times before you switch to the next pose.


6. Utthita Trikonasana (Extended triangle Pose)

- Stand straight.

- separate your legs as much as you can.

- With your back straight, extend your hands sideward. Inhale and slowly bend towards the right side, with your right hand touching your ankle and your left hand directed upwards.

- Look at your left hand while you are positioned in this posture.

- Note: Remain in this posture as long as you can, not to stretch yourself beyond your limits.


7. Savasana (Corpse Pose)

- Place the body in neutral position.

- Lie on the floor, straight.

- Keep your neck and back straight and feet slightly separated.

- Hands must be by the sides, facing upwards.

- Stay in this position for at least five minutes.


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